Tips on Making Showers More Accessible

Last week we mentioned on how you can make your bathrooms more accessible over all; link. This week we want to talk about how a simple change in your shower can make a huge difference to someone with little grip in their fingers and/or power in their wrists. Imagine opening a door and twisting the door knob in the direction that you want. This simple movement requires grip in your fingers and power in your wrists. Now try opening a door with a long handle and you will notice that instead of a twisting motion, you have to push down on the handle.

Shower Handle Types

Shower handles come in a full variety of styles, sizes, and materials/finishes. You can see the costs of these handles range depending on the variables listed above. Generally speaking, the cost on the hardware will vary depending on the materials and design. Quality is a something to really consider, since shower faucet knobs can get a lot of use.

poorly accessible shower knob
more accessible knob poorly accessible knob

Specific Shower Handles For Elderly

Arthritis is very common in the elderly or aging community, which creates difficulties in areas and tasks that are often taken for granted in the younger or able-bodied communities. Installing large shower handles for elderly people can give them just a bit more independence in their life, allowing them to turn off and turn on the water without assistance. Shower heads with longer hoses are also helpful because they leave the option open for the user to sit down while they are cleaning themselves.

elderly shower head example
Example of an shower head with a longer hose

Temperature Restriction Shower Handles

Those who find themselves aging or with disabilities may benefit from the installation of handicap shower handles that prevent the temperature from passing a set level. This is better than setting the temperature at the water heater lower because it doesn’t impact the rest of the house, meaning the washing machine and dishwasher still benefit from having a steady supply of water that’s hot enough to kill germs and bacteria.

For more information about accessible improvements to your home, contact Adapted Home and Business at

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